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先后主持完成了中科院“百人计划”项目、国家973项目专题、中科院寒旱所二期知识创新工程前沿领域项目、中科院创新团队国际合作伙伴计划项目课题及国家自然科学基金面上项目等多项科研课题。出版学术专著1部,在Annals of Botany、Soil Biology & Biochemistry、Journal of Vegetation Science、Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment、Plant and Soil、Ambio、Catena、Soil & Tillage Research、Biodiversity and Conservation、Journal of Insect Conservation、Journal of Arid Environments、Acta Oecologica、Agricultural Water Management、Grass and Forage Science等多种国际主流期刊发表论文36篇,在国内核心期刊发表论文120余篇。发表的论文被74种国际SCI期刊他引500余次。目前是多种国际SCI期刊论文的审稿人。






[1]Li FR, Liu JL, Liu CA, Yang R, Ren W, 2012. Effects of native desert vegetation conversion to plantations on soil fauna community assembly. Soil Biology & Biochemistry (in press)

[2] Li FR, Liu JL, Liu CA, Liu QJ, Niu RX, 2012. Shrubs and species identity effects on the distribution and diversity of ground-dwelling arthropods in a Gobi desert. Journal of Insect Conservation, Online 20 July 2012, DOI 10.1007/s10841-012-9512-1.

[3] Liu JL, Li FR, Liu CA, Liu QJ, 2012. Influences of shrub vegetation on distribution and diversity of a ground beetle community in a Gobi desert ecosystem. Biodiversity and Conservation 21: 2601–2619.

[4]Zhou ZY,Li FR, Chen SK, Zhang HR, Li G,2011. Dynamics of vegetation and soil carbon and nitrogen accumulation over 26 years under controlled grazing in a desert shrubland. Plant and Soil 341: 257–268.

[5] Wang Q, Li FR, Zhao L, Zhang EH, Shi SL, Zhao WZ, Song WX, Vance MM, 2010. Effects of irrigation and nitrogen application rates on nitrate nitrogen distribution and fertilizer nitrogen loss, wheat yield and nitrogen uptake on a recently reclaimed sandy farmland. Plant and Soil 337: 325–339.

[6] Li FR, 2009.Habitat degradation, topography and rainfall variability interact to determine seed distribution and recruitment in sand dune grassland. Journal of Vegetation Science 20: 847–859.

[7] Li FR, Zhao WZ, Liu JL, Huang ZG, 2009. Degraded vegetation and wind erosion influence soil carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus accumulation in sandy grasslands.Plant and Soil 317: 79–92.

[8] Li FR, Zhao WZ, Kang LF, Liu JL, Huang ZG, 2009. Seed distribution of four co-occurring grasses around Artemisia halodendron shrubs in a sandy habitat. Acta Oecologica 35: 444–451.

[9] Li FR, 2008. Presence of shrubs influences the spatial pattern of soil seed banks in desert herbaceous vegetation. Journal of Vegetation Science 19: 537–548.

[10] Li FR, Kang LF, Gao XQ, Hua W, 2007. Traffic-related heavy metal accumulation in soils and plants in Northwest China. Soil and Sediment Contamination16: 473–484.

[11] Li FR, Wang T, Zhang AS, Zhao LY, Kang LF, Chen W, 2005. Wind-dispersed seed deposition patterns and seedling recruitment of Artemisia halodendron in a moving sandy land. Annals of Botany 96 (2): 69–80.

[12] Li FR, Zhang AS, Duan SS, Kang LF, 2005. Patterns of reproductive allocation in Artemisia halodendron inhabiting two contrasting habitats. Acta Oecologica 28: 57–64.

[13] Li FR, Zhao LY, Zhao XY, Zhang TH, Li G, 2005. The relative importance of pre- and post-germination determinants for recruitment of an annual plant community on moving sandy land. Annals of Botany 96 (7): 1182–1191.

[14] Li FR, Kang LF, Zhang H, Zhao LY, Shirato Y, Taniyama I, 2005. Changes in intensity of wind erosion at different stages of degradation development in grasslands of Inner Mongolia, China. Journal of Arid Environments 62: 567–585.

[15] Li FR, Zhao LY, Zhang H, Zhang TH, Shirato Y, 2004. Wind erosion and airborne dust deposition in farmland during spring in the Horqin Sandy Land of eastern Inner Mongolia, China. Soil & Tillage Research 75: 121–130.

[16] Li FR, Li G, Kang LF, Huang ZG, Wang Q, Liu JL, 2004. Effects of a nurse shrub on seed deposition and seedling recruitment of the annual Agriophyllum squarrosum. Web Ecology 7: 94–105.

[17] Li FR, Zhang H, Zhao LY, Shirato Y, Wang XZ, 2003. Pedoecological effects of a sand-fixing poplar (Populus simonii Carr.) forest in a desertified sandy land of Inner Mongolia, China. Plant and Soil 256: 431–442.

[18] Li FR, Zhang H, Zhang TH, Shirato Y, 2003. Variations of sand transportation rates in sandy grasslands along a desertification gradient in northern China. Catena53: 255–272.

[19] Li FR, Gao CY, Zhao HL, Li XY, 2002. Soil conservation effectiveness and energy efficiency of alternative rotations and continuous wheat cropping in the Loess Plateau of northwest China. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment91: 101–111.

[20] Li FR, Zhao AF, Zhou HY, Zhang TH, Zhao X, 2002. Effects of simulated grazing on growth and persistence of Artemisia frigida in semiarid sandy rangelands. Grass and Forage Science57: 239–247.

[21] Li FM, Yan X, Li FR, Guo AH, 2001. Effects of different water supply regimes on water use and yield performance of spring wheat in a simulated semi-arid environment. Agricultural Water Management 47: 25–35.

[22] Li FR, Cook S, Geballe GT, Burch WR, 2000. Rainwater harvesting agriculture: an integrated system for water management on rainfed land in China’s semi-arid areas. Ambio 29: 477–483.

[23] Li FR, Zhao SL, Geballe GT, 2000. Water use patterns and agronomic performance for some cropping systems with and without fallow crops in a semi-arid environment of northwest China. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment79: 129–142.

[24] Li FR, 2000. The effects of frequency of cutting and cultivar on the period of leaf expansion in white clover grown in mixed swards. Grass and Forage Science 55: 280–285.

[25] Li FR, 1999. Severity of damage to Trifolium repens leaves by certain invertebrate species in mixed perennial ryegrass/white clover swards: response to cultivar, cutting frequency and sward characteristics. Grass and Forage Science 54:137–143.

[26] Cook S, Li FR, Wei HL, 2000. Rainwater harvesting agriculture in Gansu Province, China. Journal of Water and Soil Conservation 55: 112–114.
2. 灌丛植被斑块格局的地面/土壤动物多样性维持与变异机制(国家自然科学基金面上项目,批准号:31170496,2012–2015年)

